Necessity for routine roentgenographic examination of the edentulous patient.

KOCABALKAN E.*, DĂ–NMEZ F., YALUG S., BURGAZ Y. (Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey)

Oral panoramic roentgenography is a common screening procedure frequently used in edentulous patients as the primary means of detecting anomalies. This study determined if it is necessary to make radiographs of edentulous patients who had previously worn complete dentures but required new dentures. The study was confined to the edentulous ridges (no. 220) of dental patients. The frequency and location of significant radiographic findings in edentulous jaws were assessed by means of panoramic radiography. Radiographic abnormalities were found in 11% of these ridges: 3 % had a total of 7 retained roots, 1% had retained teeth, and 7% had other types anomalities. The most frequent findings on radiographs were retained roots and teeth, underscoring the need for better extraction techniques and the necessity for routine radiographic examination before construction of new dentures.